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AS and A Level
IGCSE Union Egypt
AS and A Level
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Accounting H011, H411
Ancient History H007, H407 (2017)
Ancient History H042, H442
Art and Design (applied) H013, H213, H413, H613
Art and Design H200, H600 (2015)
Art and Design Suite H160, H560
Biblical Hebrew H017, H417
Biology A H020, H420 (2015)
Biology B (Advancing Biology) H022, H422 (2015)
Business (applied) H026, H226, H426, H626
Business H031, H431 (2015)
Chemistry A H032, H432 (2015)
Chemistry B (Salters) H033, H433 (2015)
Classical Civilisation H008, H408 (2017)
Classical Civilisation H041, H441
Classical Greek H040, H440
Classical Greek H044, H444 (2016)
Classics (expires 2018) H038, H438
Classics (expires 2019) H002, H402
Computer Science H046, H446 (2015)
Critical Thinking H052, H452
Design and Technology H004, H005, H006, H404, H405, H406 (2017)
Design and Technology H004-H006-H404-H406
Design and Technology Product Design H053, H453
Drama and Theatre H059, H459 (2016)
Dutch H193, H593
Economics (2015) H060, H460
Economics H060, H460 (2019)
Electronics H065, H465
English Language and Literature (EMC) H074, H474 (2015)
English Language H070, H470 (2015)
English Literature H072, H472 (2015)
Film Studies H010, H410
Film Studies H067, H467
French H075, H475
General Studies H079, H479
Geography H081, H481 (2016)
Geography H083, H483
Geology H014, H414 (2017)
Geology H087, H487
German H076, H476
Government and Politics H095, H495
Gujarati H194, H594
Health and Social Care (applied) H103, H303, H503, H703
History A H105, H505 (2015)
Home Economics (Food, Nutrition and Health) H111, H511
Human Biology H023, H423
Humanities H113, H513
ICT (applied) H115, H315, H515, H715
ICT H117, H517
Latin H039, H439
Latin H043, H443 (2016)
Law H015, H415 (2017)
Law H134, H534
Leisure Studies (applied) H128, H528
Mathematics (MEI) 3895, 3896, 3897, 3898, 7895, 7896, 7897, 7898
Mathematics 3890, 3891, 3892, 7890, 7891, 7892
Mathematics A, Further H235, H245 (2017)
Mathematics A H230, H240 (2017)
Mathematics B (MEI), Further H635, H645 (2017)
Mathematics B (MEI) H630, H640 (2017)
Media Studies H009, H409 (2017)
Media Studies H140, H540
Music H142, H542
Music H143, H543 (20116)
Performance Studies H148, H548
Performing Arts (applied) H146, H546
Persian H195, H595
Physical Education H154, H554
Physical Education H155, H555 (2016)
Physics A H156, H556 (2015)
Physics B (Advancing Physics) H157, H557 (2015)
Psychology H167, H567 (2015)
Religious Studies H173, H573 (2016)
Sociology H180, H580 (2015)
AS and A Level
Cambridge Nationals
Cambridge Technicals
Core Maths
Entry Level
Free Standing Maths Qualification (FSMQ)
Functional Skills
Other General Qualifications
Post-16 English and mathematics
Vocational Qualifications
Vocational Qualifications (Certification only)
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